
About amrelfouly

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So far amrelfouly has created 487 blog entries.

Issue 34

Editorial Regulating Competition and Antitrust: A Substantial Global Legal Issue By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Editor-in-Chief The need to enact laws and legislations to regulate competition and limit monopoly is linked to the development of the capitalist economy in Western markets and societies, the opening of new markets, and the [...]

Issue 342021-07-29T12:22:47+00:00

The Prohibition of the Exploitation of Confidential Information in Financial Market Transactions: A Study Under Kuwaiti and Comparative Laws (Part Two) – Responsibility for Breaching the Obligation to Disclose

Dr. Mansour Al Saeed
Associate Professor of Commercial Law - Department of Law - College of Business Studies - PAAET - Kuwait
Dr. Adel Al Mayyas
Assistant Professor of Commercial Law - Department of Law - College of Business Studies - PAAET - Kuwait

The Prohibition of the Exploitation of Confidential Information in Financial Market Transactions: A Study Under Kuwaiti and Comparative Laws (Part Two) – Responsibility for Breaching the Obligation to Disclose2021-07-06T07:00:16+00:00

The Role of Industrial Property Rights Laws in Encouraging Small and Medium Enterprises in the State of Kuwait A Study in Accordance with the National Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises Development and Welfare Law No. 98 of 2013

Dr. Jarrah Ali Al Mutairi
Faculty Member - Department of Law
College of Business Studies - PAAET - Kuwait

The Role of Industrial Property Rights Laws in Encouraging Small and Medium Enterprises in the State of Kuwait A Study in Accordance with the National Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises Development and Welfare Law No. 98 of 20132021-07-04T11:02:28+00:00

Electronic Surveillance as an Alternative Form of Preventive Detention in the UAE Legislation: An Analytical Study

Prof. Abdul elah Al Nawayseh
Professor of Criminal Law - College of Law - University of Sharjah - UAE
Dr. Mahmoud Fayadh
Associate Professor of Civil Law - College of Law - University of Sharjah - UAE
Dr. Shadi Shdaifat Associate Professor of Public International Law - College of Law - University of Sharjah - UAE

Electronic Surveillance as an Alternative Form of Preventive Detention in the UAE Legislation: An Analytical Study2021-07-06T07:21:12+00:00
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