The extent of the rights of the foreigners for voting and nomination for local and parliamentary councils A comparative study

Dr. Ashraf Al-Refaei
Assistant Professor of International Private Law and Economics and Public Finance in Kuwait International Law School


This research handles the problem of the political rights of the foreigners especially the rights of voting and nomination for the parliamentary councils in the ancient ages , middle ages and modern ages and in the general international law through discussing the international and regional agreements like the International declaration of human rights in 1948 ,the civil and political rights protocol in 1966 , human rights declaration 1985 , the refugees agreement 1951 the foreign , Immigrant employees , the European human rights agreement in 1950 and the Arabian human rights convention .
This research discusses this problem in the parliamentary elections in the constitutions of some countries and in the local elections on the countries members in the European Union in addition to the attempts that happened in the provision of voting rights for foreigners according to the act issued by the European union before passing the Maastricht agreement .
This research discusses this problem in France before the passing of the Maastricht agreement according to the French Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen issued on 26 August 1789 and the consecutive French constitutions before and after the passing of the Agreement of Maastricht . Additionally this research discusses this problem in the other constitutions in Belgium , Netherlands , Portugal and Denmark before and after the passing of the Maastricht agreement .

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