
About amrelfouly

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So far amrelfouly has created 487 blog entries.

The Evolution of the Aviation Accident Concept in International Air Transport of Persons: A Study in Comparative Judicial Applications and Qatari Legislation

Dr. Yassin Al Shazly
Assistant Professor of Commercial Law
College of Law - University of Qatar
Dr. Nazal Al Kiswani
Associate Professor of Commercial Law
College of Law - University of Qatar

The Evolution of the Aviation Accident Concept in International Air Transport of Persons: A Study in Comparative Judicial Applications and Qatari Legislation2020-11-09T10:32:29+00:00

The Legal System to Ensure the Safety of People from Damages of Defective Products … Reality and Expectation: An Analytical Study in Egyptian Law Provisions in Light of French Law

Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Aziz Dawood
Associate Professor of Civil Law
Law Department - Ahmed bin Muhammad Military College Doha - Qatar

The Legal System to Ensure the Safety of People from Damages of Defective Products … Reality and Expectation: An Analytical Study in Egyptian Law Provisions in Light of French Law2020-11-08T08:15:55+00:00

Issue 30

Editorial Challenges of Distance Legal Education in the Time of “Corona Virus Pandemic” By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Editor-in-Chief Distance legal education is not a new or novel thing for universities around the world. Many Western universities have been providing remote legal courses. These courses have been organized, recognized [...]

Issue 302020-11-09T10:47:39+00:00
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