
About amrelfouly

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So far amrelfouly has created 487 blog entries.

Issue 37

Volume 6 Rabii 1/ Rabii 2 1440 Issue 4 December 2018 ISSN 24102237 Editorial Activating the Legal and Regulatory Framework to Combat Corruption By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Editor-in-Chief The spread of financial and administrative corruption is considered one of the main obstacles hindering the development [...]

Issue 372022-04-27T10:52:55+00:00

special Supplement – Vol 8 – Issue 9

Volume 6 Rabii 1/ Rabii 2 1440 Issue 4 December 2018 ISSN 24102237 Editorial Investing in Small and Medium-Size Projects (SME): Legal and Regulatory Aspects By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Editor-in-Chief In recent decades, small and medium projects have constituted one of the most important [...]

special Supplement – Vol 8 – Issue 92022-04-25T11:35:17+00:00

Issue 36

Editorial The Need to Reconsider the Role of Professional and Ethical Principles and Values in Law and Legislation By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Editor-in-Chief The practical and daily applications of contemporary laws and legislations show immense and increasing problems and dilemmas which are mainly manifested by how legislation and [...]

Issue 362022-04-19T08:57:39+00:00
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