E-Legal Education: Reality and Future

Prof. Kamal Abdelrahim ‎Alaweenter
Professor of Pleadings Law
and ‎former Faculty Dean
Faculty of Law – Jordan University
Dr. Muath Yahia Al-Zoubi
Assistant Professor of
Criminal ‎Law
Faculty of Law – Jordan University
Dr. Ahmad Ali Kabbaha
Assistant Professor of Public ‎International Law
Faculty of Law – Jordan University
Dr. Ismaeel Nayef Al Hadidi
Assistant Professor of ‎Commercial Law
Faculty of Law – Jordan University


E-Legal education has appeared on the educational scene recently as a result of a number of circumstances, most importantly, the restrictions imposed by the Corona pandemic affected the entire educational process.
This led to the transfer to e-legal education out of necessity, and then the gradual inclusion of e-legal education in the academic programs of law schools.
This study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of e-legal education by balancing its advantage and disadvantages in order to reach the optimal method of employing it in the educational process.
This study compares the traditional and innovative methods adopted in legal education. Additionally, it analyses the experiences and practices of certain law schools in the application of distance education in the legal field. The study also reviews the main transformation points witnessed by the higher education sector towards the use of means of modern technology. The study stresses the need of providing the necessary logistical equipment and human empowerment aiming at the success of e-legal education.
This study concludes with an important conclusion that e-legal education is not a substitute for traditional legal education, but rather it completes, improves, and benefits it, and when e-legal education is integrated into the educational process, this may increase its efficiency.

Keywords: legal education, electronic legal education, traditional legal education, distance legal education, education in light of the Corona pandemic.

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