Consumer Protection Law as a Refuge to Protect Consumers of Digital Content – Opportunities & Challenges: A Comparative Study under the Laws of Jordan, UAE & Several Countries

Dr. Firas Yousef Al Kasasbeh
Associate Professor of Civil Law
College of Law, Yarmouk University
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan


There is a problem that must be faced, at the legislative and jurisprudential levels, which is the legal protection of consumers of digital content (digital products). Several challenges arise in the face of including this group of consumers by consumer protection laws. Hence, there is doubt surrounding whether the consumer of digital content can benefit from the protection provided by these laws, with the legal opportunities and means they provide to the consumer in general, from which the consumer of digital content can benefit. This research came to identify the challenges that constitute an obstacle to benefiting from these opportunities, and ways to overcome them to obtain the desired protection.
The research concluded that the texts of consumer protection laws, in their current formulation, and with the terms they contain, do not guarantee the inclusion of the digital consumer group in protection, and therefore they need careful treatment, keeping pace with the times, and enabling this group to reap its ripe fruits.

Keywords: consumer protection, consumption, digital content (digital product), final consumer, and intermediate consumer.

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