Peer Review Policy of the Kuwait International Law School Journal

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The Kuwait International Law School Journal is a quarterly, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes legal and jurisprudential research in both Arabic and English.

The journal is committed to ensuring the quality of the research it accepts for publication and adheres to global standards for peer-reviewed legal research. The peer review process includes the following principles and procedures:

First: General Policies

  • All submitted research, studies, and commentaries on judicial rulings are subject to review by two qualified and experienced reviewers, with the authors’ identities anonymized during the process.
  • Peer review is conducted objectively, and reviewers’ opinions and recommendations are respected. The Editor-in-Chief ensures the integrity and supervision of this process.
  • The editorial board selects reviewers with academic competence, objectivity, and experience in publishing and evaluating research. Reviewers are drawn from the ranks of professors and associate professors, and the list of reviewers is continuously updated.

Second: Peer Review Procedures

  • The researcher must sign a declaration and undertaking to abide by reviewers’ comments and feedback.
  • The Journal’s editorial board ensures the integrity of submitted research and the researcher’s adherence to publication rules and ethics by analysing the text using specialised software. A report is generated detailing citation percentages and documentation accuracy, and the results are then presented to the Editor- in- Chief.
  • The editor-in-chief refers the submitted research paper to a specialized member of the editorial board to provide an opinion on its suitability for publication and its eligibility for peer review.
  • Reviewers evaluate research using a structured evaluation form that includes the following criteria:
  1. Research objective and content.
  2. Research methodology and structure.
  3. References and citations, including their relevance and currency.
  4. Presentation style and language accuracy.
  5. Originality and contribution to the field.
  6. Scientific value and standing in comparison to other research.
  7. Any additional notes the reviewer deems relevant.
  • Reviewers are required to provide a final recommendation on the research’s suitability for publication, whether as-is, after minor revisions, or major revisions.
  • Each submission is reviewed by at least two reviewers. If one reviewer accepts the research and the other rejects it, the Editor-in-Chief may appoint a third reviewer to resolve the conflict. If both reviewers reject the submission, it will not be published.
  • For researchers affiliated with institutions in Kuwait, the reviewers must be selected from outside Kuwait, unless exceptional circumstances require otherwise, as determined by the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Reviewers are given a specific timeframe of two to three weeks to complete their review. If a reviewer fails to meet the deadline, the research is reassigned to an alternative reviewer.
  • Researchers are required to implement the suggested revisions and highlight changes in a different color. They must also provide a report addressing how the reviewers’ comments were handled. Any disagreements with suggested revisions must be justified and will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief for a final decision.
  • Revisions are re-evaluated by the reviewers and the editorial board to ensure compliance with the recommendations.
  • Once all revisions are satisfactorily addressed, the research is accepted for publication, and the researcher is issued a confirmation of acceptance.
  • If reviewers recommend rejecting the research, the editorial board notifies the researcher and offers the option to receive the reviewers’ reports for future improvements. If the researcher agrees, the reports are sent to them.
  • Rejected research is considered void, and all copies are destroyed. Researchers are encouraged to submit new research to the journal in the future.

Third: Integrity and Transparency of Peer Review

  • Reviewers must hold an academic rank higher than that of the researcher(s). No reviewer can be of a lower academic rank than the submitting researcher(s).
  • Submissions are anonymized before being sent to reviewers to ensure impartiality.
  • Reviewers’ reports are anonymized and consolidated before being shared with the researcher if the research is recommended for publication.
  • Any concerns raised by researchers regarding the reviewers’ reports are evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief to ensure they are scientifically and objectively addressed.