Issue 3

Issue 3


By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi

The third issue of the KILAW Journal contributes immense support to Arab legal literature. This has been done through analyzing both Kuwaiti laws and laws of other Arab states. For example, the paper dealing with the issue of Conventional and Customary Rules Regulating the Principle of free access to the victim of Armed Conflicts.
Moreover, the current issue includes three research articles which concern national legal systems in the Arab region, through conducting comparative studies between Arabian states’ laws. This is clear from the study which addresses «The Right of Naturalized Persons to Elect and to be Candidates for the National Assembly and Local Bodies (a comparative study)» This also applies to the third and fourth papers which have been published in this journal. The approach to the system of conducting comparative legal research of national legislation in the Arab countries contributes to the continuous development in the Arabian legal systems which are becoming more advanced and developed in several areas.
We hope That the specialists in comparative legal studies concentrate on this productive trend, to enable the legislatures in the Arab national assemblies to benefit from this valuable research. We also hope that they will be able to utilize it in amending and developing national legislation, which is compatible …

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