Parliamentary investigation in Kuwait , The Scope and Restrictions  : Critical and Analytical Study in Accordance with the Kuwaiti Constitution.

Prof. Mohammad AlMoqatei
Professor of Public Law in Kuwait International Law School


This research investigate the parliamentary select committee role, as one of the political tools, of the parliament as a checking power the executive
Therefore the research is looking into the jurisdiction of such committee as per the parliament practices as well as the Kuwaiti constitution provisions and any other laws; it also looks to the scope and limits of the select committee authority and restrictions limiting its power.
Therefore one of the limits of the select committee scope is right of privacy which intends to protect the rights and liberties of the people including the bank transaction secrets, on balance the public interest is restricted here by individual rights.
Another example is the restriction of the scope of such committee to investigate matter that involve privet entities which does not fallen within responsibilities of ministers such limit has been violated in some wrongful select committee practices in Kuwait which is beyond its constitutional jurisdiction.

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