
About amrelfouly

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So far amrelfouly has created 487 blog entries.

The Legal System of Equal-Member Administrative Committees in Algeria: A Study in the Light of the Provisions of Executive Decree No. 20-199 Issued on July 25, 2020

Dr. Ahsan Gharbi
Associate Professor (Lecturer “A”) - Public Law
Faculty of Law and Political Sciences - University of 20 August 1955 - Skikda - Algeria

The Legal System of Equal-Member Administrative Committees in Algeria: A Study in the Light of the Provisions of Executive Decree No. 20-199 Issued on July 25, 20202021-12-09T11:26:01+00:00

Issue 35

Editorial Local and Global Health Laws and Regulations in Light of the Corona Pandemic By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Editor-in-Chief Health care for citizens finds its basis in constitutions in the first place as it is one of the basic tasks entrusted to the state, then come legislation, laws [...]

Issue 352021-12-12T08:54:25+00:00
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