Issue 11

Issue 112019-05-15T08:38:34+00:00


By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi

This new issue of the Kuwait International Law School Journal is full of academic legal research papers and studies covering various fields. It follows two special issues consecrated to the papers that were discussed in KILAW’s second annual conference on the right to privacy in light of current challenges. In addition to the importance of this evolving topic that interests individuals, communities and States, the wide participation of Arab and foreign legal professors and thinkers and the extreme value of their researches, were a major factor to allocate two special issues for these researches. This was an added value offered by the Journal within its mission to encourage legal thinking and positive interaction with legal challenges faced by Arab and Muslim societies or relevant specific categories or sectors.
Therefore, in the framework of this interactive and innovative spirit, the issue number 11 of Kuwait International Law School Journal is published including new sections and covering important topics in the economic and sharia fields, mainly two comments written respectively by dr. Ali AlDhofairi and dr. Yousef AlHarbash on two new Kuwaiti judicial decisions. The first one is issued of the Cassation Court and recognizes a new principle in the relationship between the Kuwaiti Oil Company and its leading personnel based on the contractual relationship between the two parties, and the second is issued of the Commercial Appeal Court and concerns the scope of the judicial license upon Article 8/1 of the law of real estate leasing. In this second article the researcher concluded that the judgement does not comply with the provisions of the leasing law nor with the general rules.           Read Full Text


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