Summary of Legal and Economical Aspects for Stocks Tender Offers

Dr. Tarek Mahmoud Abdel Salam
Dean – College of Law – American University in Emirates


Tender offers consider as one type of stocks acquisition that going by presenter directly way to target company’s shareholders (American and British System) or in directly way through honest broker whom have authorities to monitor financial market (French and Egyptian System) asking to acquisition all stocks in companies’ capital. The necessity of arranged tender offers to avoid the risks that are resulting from the concentration of shares of a particular company through the purchase of stock market. Tender Stocks can be divided in different division that is depends on different point of views while according to prevailing in global economic there is three models which each have their characteristics:

  1. Germanic Model
  2. Anglo-Saxon Model
  3. Latin Model

Tender offers have many positivity achievements regarding some project whether it is target projects or it is on tender offers as well as for shareholders and national economy white it has some negativity as well that is required exposure to the economic impact of public procurement offers.
This research will be talking about economic and regularity aspects for stocks tender offers with application of provisions of section 12 of list implementation for financial Egyptian law that was issued by the minister of investment number 12 in 2007.
This research will talk about fives researches as the following:

  1. The identification of stocks tender offers.
  2. Stocks tender offers types.
  3. Economic impact on stocks tender offers.
  4. Defenses against stocks tender offers.

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