Issue 27

Issue 272021-06-14T07:19:46+00:00
Volume 7 Muharram 1441
Issue 3 September 2018
ISSN 24102237

Respecting the Powers and Competences of Constitutional Authorities in the Parliamentary System and the Recent English Supreme Court Ruling

By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi

The parliamentary system in its organization of constitutional and political life within the state in the modern era is based on a set of basic principles, features and foundations, which have been established and deepened through experiences, stages and accumulated legacy, and enabled a positive assimilation of social and political forces and the organization of a peaceful transfer of power to serve societies and achieve their comprehensive development rise. The principle of the independence of the constitutional authorities and respect for their competences and powers by each other has been a cornerstone in ensuring the effectiveness of the institutions of this system and preserving the sovereignty of the nation and ensuring due respect for the will of the people, which is reflected in freely and fairly elected parliaments, …

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Arabic Studies and Research

English Studies and Research

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