
About amrelfouly

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So far amrelfouly has created 487 blog entries.

Special Supplement – Issue No 4 – Part 1

Volume 6 Rabii 1/ Rabii 2 1440 Issue 4 December 2018 ISSN 24102237 Participant Researchers Dr. Mashael Abdel Aziz Al-Hajri Dr. Mahmoud Al Shuwaiat Dr. Yehya Al Nemr Prof. Lafi Daradekah Prof. Emad Al Dein Abd Elhay [...]

Special Supplement – Issue No 4 – Part 12020-03-05T08:08:34+00:00

Special Supplement – Issue No 3 – Part 2

Editorial Renewal And Development of Academic Legal Research By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Editor-in-Chief The judiciary is a fair, independent and fundamental pillar of the legal system, guaranteeing rights and freedoms as well as social and economic life aspects. The activation of the judiciary’s positive role requires the judge’s [...]

Special Supplement – Issue No 3 – Part 22020-03-05T08:08:22+00:00

Special Supplement Issue No 3 Part 1

Editorial The Role of Education and Academic Research in Promoting the Legal Guarantees By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Chief-in-Editor The Topic of «Contemporary challenges of legal guarantees in a changing world» was chosen to be a title for the fifth annual conference of Kuwait international law school in 2018 [...]

Special Supplement Issue No 3 Part 12020-03-05T08:08:12+00:00

Special Supplement Issue No 2 Part 2

Editorial The Central Role of Law in the Area of ​Community Organization and Development By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Chief-in-Editor This second part of the special issue containing the research papers presented at the Fourth Annual Conference of Kuwait International Law School, which was held on May 10-11 under [...]

Special Supplement Issue No 2 Part 22020-03-05T08:08:02+00:00

Special Supplement Issue No 2 Part 1

Editorial A Deeper and Wider Renovation of Legal Thought.. Resurfaces the Agenda By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Chief-in-Editor The legal system in the Arabic communities especially and third world societies generally, is passing through unprecedented throes, characterized by a decline in the respect for laws and a weakness in [...]

Special Supplement Issue No 2 Part 12020-03-05T08:07:53+00:00

Special Supplement Issue No 1

Editorial The Challenges of Governance and Legal Regulation of Financial Markets By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Chief-in-Editor Arabic and global legal spaces are crowded with many of raised issues and topics, represented in the faculties of law, courts, lawyers associations, judges, paralegals and others, which deserves to be highlighted [...]

Special Supplement Issue No 12020-03-05T08:07:40+00:00

Issue 26

Volume 7 Shawwal 1440 Issue 2 June 2019 ISSN 24102237 Editorial ‏Scientific and Academic Certificates... What is Required Goes Beyond Reliability and Credibility By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi Editor-in-Chief ‏The issue of forgery of scientific and academic certificates is raised from time to time. As [...]

Issue 262020-03-04T08:57:01+00:00
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