Issue 25

Issue 252019-10-03T05:43:02+00:00
Volume 7 – Issue 1 Jumada 2/ Rajab 1440
ISSN 24102237 March 2019

Quality Assurance and Education Protection

By: Prof. Badria A. Al-Awadi

In recent decades and years, global societies are witnessing a growing trend to enhance the quality of education, as this is a prerequisite for reforming education, ensuring its efficacy, and activating its role in stimulating sustainable development and marked revival and contributing to the advancement of civilization in its general sense. This has been successfully achieved as shown by international and domestic indicators and reports.
Not far from what it means in the administrative, economic and productive fields, quality of public and legal education involves a range of systems, standards, procedures, specifications and characteristics. These are adopted in business, activities, scientific and academic curricula, infrastructure, environment and administrative and human resources for the various stages and levels of the educational process, which could reflect excellence and efficiency of their graduates and the jobs they do. It also includes expertise, consultancy and services provided by educational and academic institutions to the governmental and private institutions, both domestically and internationally.
Given government and social policies and plans, and in  …

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