Alternative Measures in Jordanian Juvenile Law and their Implementation Mechanism in Light of International Standards

Dr. Hasan Altarawneh
Assistant Professor of Criminal Law – College of Law – University of Jordan


This study deals with the alternative measures stipulated in Article (24) of the Jordanian Juvenile Law and the mechanism to implement them as alternative means of restricting the freedom of juveniles. The study concluded many results, the most important of which is the insufficiency of legal provisions that examine how to implement alternative measures that they do not clarify the mechanisms used in the event that the implementation of the alternative measures is violated. The study concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity of amending legal texts and removing the ambiguity in it, especially with regard to the foundations and criteria for choosing the appropriate measure against the delinquent juvenile. This is in addition to the necessity to stipulate the responsibility of the juvenile upon breaching the due obligations as per the ruling. Finally, the need to stipulate that the suspension of the implementation of the penalties issued against juveniles is to be considered as one of the alternative measures to prevent confusion by not including these penalties with a stay of execution.

Keywords: Alternative measures, the best interest, Stay of punishment execution, Reintegration of the juvenile into his environment, Non- Custodial, measures.

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